• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 16, 2020

    Self-Driving Cars Challenge accepted?

    Self-Driving Cars Challenge accepted?

    Challenge accepted?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    What is everyone's thoughts on Mobileye?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    A nice provocative video on Mobileye who may have the lead. https://youtu.be/1Ew5OtibrXE

    I had questions though 1) What kind of data does ME get? They say they have billions and job openings on their sites are posting saying you need knowledge to manipulate hundreds of petabytes of info

    2) Does LIDAR redundancy actually work (there idea is 2 independent systems increase safety. I have articles that experts do agree on this. But it is still interesting that ME can be more confident on smaller data sets due to redundancy.

    3) Does continuous footage from its REM system help for self-driving beyond building maps? I really get the benefits of having maps but ME says they only get 6 M KM a day despite having 1 M cars. My guess would be some of the data is used for map building the other times they take the data for road simulation purposes?

    submitted by /u/JohnnyPoster
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    Will Autonomous Vehicles Derail Trains?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:45 PM PDT

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