• Breaking News

    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Self-Driving Cars Spotted this while I was pulled up at work, looks pretty funny but the driver said it works pretty well

    Self-Driving Cars Spotted this while I was pulled up at work, looks pretty funny but the driver said it works pretty well

    Spotted this while I was pulled up at work, looks pretty funny but the driver said it works pretty well

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:33 AM PST

    My commute just got a whole lot better

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Waymo's driverless milestone marks the start of AV race

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Understanding the 6 stages of Driving Automation

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I'm taking a deeper dive into the 6 Stages of Driving Automation as described by the SAE , and I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding what

    • Fallback Performance of Dynamic Driving Task

    means. The Dynamic Driving Task's definition/description is:

    Dynamic driving task includes the operational (steering, braking, accelerating, monitoring the vehicle and roadway) and tactical (responding to events, determining when to change lanes, turn, use signals, etc.) aspects of the driving task, but not the strategic (determining destinations and waypoints) aspect of the driving task.

    So basically (TLDR) all the activities that the human can do in a car, though the "Fallback Performance of" confuses me. "Fallback" means an alternative plan. "Performance" is how well something is done. So with those definitions, I could potentially rewrite

    • Fallback Performance of Dynamic Driving Task


    • Alternative Plan of how well the Dynamic Driving Task is done

    but that statement makes little sense because it basically mentions an alternative way of measuring how well something is done, and that would seem like a weak category to have in the 6 stages of Driving Automation, so I presume that interpretation is faulty.

    Question: Does anyone else understand it? If so, please explain :P!

    submitted by /u/bamboozleer
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    Autonomous vehicles and Australian roads: Are they ready for each other?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:27 PM PST

    This study was carried out to investigate the infrastructure needs of automated vehicles now and in the future. The study methodology included training artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to help accurately localise the vehicle and recognise Australian road signs, road lines and traffic lights. For the first time in Australia the methodology also extended to compare results with and without the use of annotated prior maps (sometimes referred to as high-definition maps). The final report of the study is attached for download.https://imoveaustralia.com/news-articles/intelligent-transport-systems/autonomous-vehicles-australian-roads/

    submitted by /u/kscope
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