• Breaking News

    Friday, November 29, 2019

    Self-Driving Cars Vacationing in the Phoenix area for Thanksgiving, and we came across a self driving car in the wild! I am hoping private ownership will be a possibility before my oldest turns 16...way less stress with an AI behind the wheel instead of a teenager!

    Self-Driving Cars Vacationing in the Phoenix area for Thanksgiving, and we came across a self driving car in the wild! I am hoping private ownership will be a possibility before my oldest turns 16...way less stress with an AI behind the wheel instead of a teenager!

    Vacationing in the Phoenix area for Thanksgiving, and we came across a self driving car in the wild! I am hoping private ownership will be a possibility before my oldest turns 16...way less stress with an AI behind the wheel instead of a teenager!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 10:41 AM PST

    Are self-driving cars the future? | VPRO Documentary

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:20 AM PST

    Open Research Areas in SLAM

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 12:00 PM PST

    Could someone please write a list of open topics/research areas in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping? If possible names of some pioneers/top researchers in SLAM? What are the reasons for these unsolved problems? Is it the limited computational power of embedded systems? Is it lack of good techniques to solve these problems? Or is it a lack of understanding of the problems themselves?


    submitted by /u/knowledge_glutton
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    Self driving cars is/will be really boring

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:04 AM PST

    I have a Tesla, and while its not fully self driving its well capable of driving by itself for hours on a road without any interaction. Just last weekend I did a 17 hour roadtrip in a single day and the car did almost all of the driving for me... This is when I realised how damn boring it was, time went by so slow, there was nothing to do but just look outside the windows. Sure I could technocally had played with my phone or watched a movie but I get super car sick so that doesnt work for me and according to statistics around 1/3 suffer from motion sickness so this will apply to a huge amount of people.

    Driving myself might be tedious too but atleast it keeps me occupied doing something so time passes faster.

    So now im thinking perhaps self driving cars really isnt a good idea at all? Especially if it eventually become illegal to drive.

    Idk, what do you all think?

    submitted by /u/SweHammer
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    The two biggest fallacies about self-driving cars

    Posted: 29 Nov 2019 09:46 AM PST

    1. That level 2 systems can evolve into full self-driving level 4 systems. That's like saying a jetliner and a Toyota Corolla are both transportation vehicles so we'll just keep improving the Corolla.
    2. That level 5 is real. It's not. The only value of level 5 is so Tesla can pretend they're working on some super double secret system that will allow them to skip level 4.
    submitted by /u/Pomodoro5
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